Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
24 December, 2013
Happy Christmas to you all!

HO HO HO … and I bet you thought you’d heard the last of us for a few weeks!    Well, we have our ways & means and we are now sending you our greetings for a wonderful Christmas and every best wish for a great start to 2014!   If, by any chance, you have had […]

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20 December, 2013
Start of the Third Leg

This is it, Jon has arrived on Hecla so we’re off tomorrow on the start of the third (and major) leg of our trip.  We have so far sailed a total of 3,646nm since leaving Portishead at the end of June.    1,003nm for the first leg (Portishead – Spain), 2,643nm for the second (Spain – […]

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17 December, 2013
The Atlantic Crew Assembled

We have now finalised our crew list for the Atlantic crossing and would like to introduce you to the whole team, including our ‘on board’ pets.    We feel that with this team we will be able to cross the Atlantic in the fastest and most efficient way.  Our apologies to all those who applied for […]

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16 December, 2013
Godfather Part V

We were not actually made an offer that we couldn’t afford to refuse, but we did find ourselves travelling in an Aluguer (local mini bus) back from Ribeiro Brava to our anchorage at Tarrafal with a dead pig’s head! It was one of our more memorable trips. The passengers were a lively bunch and when […]

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16 December, 2013
Update on our travels

We have been somewhat starved of WiFi recently so have only been able to send our location details.   We are now in Mindelo(after a rather more exciting passage than we had expected with 40 knot winds!)  on the island of Sao Vicente where we have better connections so the website has been updated with photos […]

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9 December, 2013
Another Quiz

OK it's quiz time again - the question is not who supplied the goods, nor how many shares did we buy in the company .... but how many items are on the table?     Reminiscent of count the smarties in the jar and how heavy is the cake!!   Have fun and whoever comes up with the […]

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9 December, 2013
The Sailing Holts

We finally left Palmeira on Sunday with extra crew on board. Tig and Stephen came up from Santa Maria by taxi and joined us for the sail back down the coast. We had fabulous conditions and are now anchored off Santa Maria – a bit of a rolly anchorage but beautiful sandy beach and clear […]

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7 December, 2013
Illicit Fruit!

Yesterday I went and visited great friends in their rather sumptuous all inclusive hotel complex in the south of the island, just outside Santa Maria.   I travelled down south with Swallow and we went by Alugueras which was fun, if a little on the windy side for the Espargos to Santa Maria part of the […]

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4 December, 2013
Survived two nights!

The first night home alone I entertained Vicky and Elliot and acted as their chauffeur too - Elliot was not at all phased by the accoustic landing alongside Swallow.   My parking at the quay is improving and I have my little friend to help me!   He must have eyes in the back of his […]

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3 December, 2013
The only way to travel

This is definitely ‘Out of Africa’.   What we lack in facilities (I think the word ‘Port’ had conjured up a place with fuel, water, shops and some modern buildings – which is definitely not the case) is made up in spades by the absolutely delightful and helpful people.   The town is a mass of bars […]

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