Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Update on our travels

By Claire on Mon 16 Dec

Rainbow opposite our anchorage off Tarrafal outskirtsOcean Rainbow at anchor in Santa MariaWe have been somewhat starved of WiFi recently so have only been able to send our location details.   We are now in Mindelo(after a rather more exciting passage than we had expected with 40 knot winds!)  on the island of Sao Vicente where we have better connections so the website has been updated with photos and details of our travels over the week.  We left Santa Maria and the Holts on the island of Sal on 11th and went to Boa Vista where we spent one night at anchor in the Baie de Sal Rei.   We left the following day to sail to Sao Nicolau arriving at night having made a much faster passage than anticipated and anchored off Porto Velho in the Baie of Sao Jorge.   In the morning we discovered that the surf was rather too close for comfort and with strong winds coming in we moved around to Tarrafal.   We spent a relaxing 3 days at anchor (with the odd excursion into town and once into the interior!) waiting for the winds to calm down.  It’s now Sunday 15th and we are in place to stock up with fruit, veg and water.   Once that is done we will be ready to set off across the Atlantic but we are waiting for Hecla to catch us up as, way back in the Portishead days, we had planned to cross together if at all possible!     Jon should be here soon.   We’ll blog before we leave just so you know we really have set forth!

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