Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Variety is the spice of life?

By Claire on Wed 08 May

We are having a very varied season so far in terms of weather!  One minute it’s glorious sunshine and the next it’s almost as cold as an English winter.    We’ve had no wind and been bobbing at anchor in true South of France fashion, then winds gusting 53 knots (saw it with our own eyes), fortunately we were tied down to a pontoon but still keeping our fingers crossed the pontoon didn’t break.  As it was one side chain of our pontoon broke away from the sea wall and had to be secured very rapidly by doubled up heavy duty warp tied to a bollard and a webbing strap secured to a fork lift truck!!   We’ve never seen anything like it in a marina with boats heeling over, riding up onto the pontoon, fenders popping and lines straining.   The noise was deafening.   Our photos don’t do justice to the scene so we’re showing you one of our warps after the episode with friction burn, and the webstrap tied to the forklift!  We are once again at anchor but the skies are grey and it’s cold!  Sun’s coming back tomorrow ...... we hope!

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