Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Illicit Fruit!

By Claire on Sat 07 Dec
Illicit fruit!

Illicit fruit!

Alien in the Posh Place

Yesterday I went and visited great friends in their rather sumptuous all inclusive hotel complex in the south of the island, just outside Santa Maria.   I travelled down south with Swallow and we went by Alugueras which was fun, if a little on the windy side for the Espargos to Santa Maria part of the trip when Faye and I sat in the back of the truck!   Meeting up with Tig and Steve was brilliant and we spent a great day together.   They smuggled me into the complex (via the beach entrance) so that we could sit by the pool for a couple of hours and enjoy a rum and coke and then we headed off down the beach to the town to have a picnic sitting on the quay.   Our buns (made in the dining room and smuggled out!) were delicious!   And the apple I am chomping in the picture was mouth-wateringly good.  Now I know why the shops are all so empty – all the fresh food goes straight to the hotels!      Many thanks to Tig and Steve for their contributions to Ocean Rainbow’s fruit supplies!

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