Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Happy Christmas to you all!

By Claire on Tue 24 Dec

Christmas on board Ocean RainbowHO HO HO … and I bet you thought you’d heard the last of us for a few weeks!    Well, we have our ways & means and we are now sending you our greetings for a wonderful Christmas and every best wish for a great start to 2014!   If, by any chance, you have had a chance to spare us a thought and wonder where we are, you will have to click on this link to see our location in the Atlantic!    But, as you can tell from the photo, we are having fun and a life on the ocean wave is still agreeing with us!   We have the wherewithal for an excellent roast turkey and all the trimmings, the pudding was made last year and has travelled well  and the brandy butter and mince pies are all ready, so the only thing we need to do now is to raise a very small glass of champagne and drink your health.   Happy Christmas everyone.

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