Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
21 November, 2013
La Gomera and the Atlantic Rowers

We arrived in La Gomera last night after a great sail to find ourselves moored just below the quay where the Atlantic Rowers are preparing their boats.    If anyone thought we were mad, they should take a look at this lot.   Their stowage plan makes mine look positively amateurish.   Hannah Lawton and Lauren Morten, representing […]

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19 November, 2013
Victor Volvo’s Rattle brings a bonus!

We met up with the Volvo engineer, David, yesterday.   He arrived with a couple of helpers as he speaks no English and has a broken leg!   He managed to get on board, sniffed the air and said ‘fuel injector’!   He returned, as promised, today with the parts and duly fixed Victor but much later […]

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18 November, 2013
Fact: Red wine and cold beer make the world go round!

Yesterday afternoon, on returning from a gastronomic meal with Claire’s parents, we were invited by Hans and Katrin to carry on the party on board ‘Roomtop’.    Jo and Hannah from Smiles also joined them and we discovered over the proverbial glass that Hans is a professional diver and Jo loves engines!    No sooner had we […]

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17 November, 2013
The Shreddies have arrived!

The success or failure of this adventure was hanging in the balance.   We were down to our last box of Shreddies and, despite hunting in all stores within bicycling range en route from La Coruna to Lanzarote, had been unable to locate even a small box.   The timely arrival of parents in Tenerife armed with […]

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15 November, 2013
Trip to Tenerife

What a slow and bumpy start we had!   After leaving Arrecife, we flew Red Passion for a short while, but in between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote we lost the wind and motored for an hour and a half. Then the winds picked up and we started to travel – not in quite the right direction though!   […]

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12 November, 2013
Jimmy Cornell’s Atlantic Odyssey

We have been really spoilt by having Jimmy Cornell at the marina and being able to attend the seminars he has put on for his inaugural Atlantic Odyssey Rally.   We now have loads of information we just need time to digest it!   We recovered from our information overload with a  lively evening on board Ocean […]

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7 November, 2013
While the Cat's away!

Well you know the saying!   This mouse went out to play!   I've finally met up with Izzy and Colin from Endorphin (they're sailing friends of Jon on Hecla and we first heard about them when we arrived in La Coruna all those months ago).  They have a car hire for the week and very […]

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4 November, 2013
Shorn Mouton but definitely v.g. VFM!

Well, you can't really describe Claire as 'lamb' so it had to be 'mouton' and shorn is definitely the appropriate adjective!   Claire is now sporting an extremely functional hairstyle thanks to her inadequate spanish and a misinterpretation of  charades!!   But, it was extremely good value for money at 5 Euros!    And now we can […]

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3 November, 2013
Escape from marina fever!

After 4 days in a marina we needed to escape to an anchorage – or at least do some sailing – so we slipped our lines on Friday and set off for Papagayo beach in the south of Lanzarote.   We spent the trip there brushing and cleaning off red sand from poor Ocean Rainbow who […]

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