Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
28 January, 2014
Red Letter Day!

We were going to give you all a rest from blogs but today the unbelievable has happened!  James has caught a fish – honest! - and it is big enough to eat!!  We can hardly believe it ourselves!   What is more we have had the most sparkling sail from Bequia to Carriacou with wonderful winds […]

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27 January, 2014
Bequia – What a secret (re)treat!

If you are wondering about the photo – it’s the view you get of Bequia at the Jazz Festival after 2 rum punches.  We love this island!  We have met new folk, caught up with folk from previous anchorages and been made to feel totally welcome by the locals and by those fortunate enough to […]

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23 January, 2014
Chilling out in Bequia

The overnight sail from St Anne’s, Martinique to Port Elizabeth, Bequia was 90nm and in normal circumstances would be a beam reach, but this being us we found ourselves sailing close to the wind for the majority of the trip!  We sailed past St Lucia; then the next morning off St Vincent we picked up […]

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20 January, 2014
Sainte Anne’s Bay

We may only have moved 2nm from Le Marin but what a difference!  St Anne has no chandleries, fewer yachts, a few restaurants and a few shops all centred around the town square and the church.   We actually managed to make it ashore for the morning service at the Catholic church on Sunday and thoroughly […]

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16 January, 2014

Yachts are very small places but with James’ Houdini skills nowhere is beyond his reach as these pictures demonstrate!   The antics in the anchor locker were to re-secure the wiring for the windlass in case you’re wondering!   The other pictures demonstrate that James really can service Victor Volvo on his own (perhaps not quite completely […]

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14 January, 2014
Life returning to normal

Le Marin is really only a small village but the marina is very large and the bay is just jam packed with yachts.  As a result there are lots of chandleries and yachtie type things, several restaurants, but not a lot else.   However this weekend has been the Yole Festival which has meant music, BBQs […]

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13 January, 2014
Thank you everyone!

We have been overwhelmed by the wonderful messages of congratulations we have received.   Your support has been fantastic and we really appreciated having the various emails of encouragement.  Apologies that no individual replies have been sent as yet, but we are now back firing on all cylinders so you will hear from us soon.    There […]

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9 January, 2014
Caribbean Pot

The Windward Islands are known for weed (a vital ingredient of the Rastafarian religion!) - it seems appropriate that, as far as Claire is concerned, it will forever be remembered as the source of her  'pot'!    The silence on the blog since our arrival in Martinique has been due entirely to Claire's attempts to sort […]

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