Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Victor Volvo’s Rattle brings a bonus!

By Claire on Tue 19 Nov

Volvo Engineer 001 Ocean Rainbow SpecialWe met up with the Volvo engineer, David, yesterday.   He arrived with a couple of helpers as he speaks no English and has a broken leg!   He managed to get on board, sniffed the air and said ‘fuel injector’!   He returned, as promised, today with the parts and duly fixed Victor but much later than expected so we are delaying our departure for La Gomera until tomorrow so that we arrive in daylight.   The bonus of the rattle was to meet up with Swallow who are securely moored in the berth we left a mere 3 days ago!    And, I am sure you will be pleased to hear we have devised the Ocean Rainbow Special to celebrate the reunion!

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