Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

La Gomera and the Atlantic Rowers

By Claire on Thu 21 Nov

The UWE TeamThe Army TeamWe arrived in La Gomera last night after a great sail to find ourselves moored just below the quay where the Atlantic Rowers are preparing their boats.    If anyone thought we were mad, they should take a look at this lot.   Their stowage plan makes mine look positively amateurish.   Hannah Lawton and Lauren Morten, representing UWE, are planning to break the 75 day record for a female pair and are raising funds for cervical cancer.  See their website for more details.   Two Light Dragoons are on the Row to Recovery boat, raising funds for H4H, the team are: Cayle Royce, Scott Blaney, Mark Jenkins and James Kayll - for more info read their blog.   Truly inspirational.

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