Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Fact: Red wine and cold beer make the world go round!

By Claire on Mon 18 Nov

Hannah, Jo, Katrin, Hans & James Hans ready for actionYesterday afternoon, on returning from a gastronomic meal with Claire’s parents, we were invited by Hans and Katrin to carry on the party on board ‘Roomtop’.    Jo and Hannah from Smiles also joined them and we discovered over the proverbial glass that Hans is a professional diver and Jo loves engines!    No sooner had we described Victor Volvo’s rattle than Jo leapt on board Ocean Rainbow to do a diagnosis.    Then discussing how quickly sacrificial anodes disappeared, Hans offered to change ours.   This morning he woke and even before making pancakes for the children he had dived below Ocean Rainbow, changed the anode, scraped the speed log and scrubbed the propeller.   What very good value for a bottle of wine!

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