Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Trip to Tenerife

By Claire on Fri 15 Nov
Approach to Marina San Miguel

Entrance to San Miguel marina

Marina del Sur

Medi-moored in Marina del Sur

What a slow and bumpy start we had!   After leaving Arrecife, we flew Red Passion for a short while, but in between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote we lost the wind and motored for an hour and a half. Then the winds picked up and we started to travel – not in quite the right direction though!   Still, we had a good night crossing and made landfall on Tenerife in daylight spending the first night in Marina San Miguel before moving to Marina del Sur in Las Galletas – a massive 2nm further south – and from where there is a regular bus service to just outside the hotel Claire’s parents are staying in.  How convenient is that!

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