Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
28 February, 2014
Iles des Saintes

Not such a fun sail to Iles des Saintes -  we left Portsmouth in a fine drizzle with poor visibility and light winds.   Then James got soaked in torrential rain, the wind died off and we even used the engine!   However the wind returned and we arrived at the islands in sunshine under sail which […]

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25 February, 2014
First bath since August and it was hot!

What an amazing island!  Photos just don't seem to do it justice.   Dominica is so green with lush vegetation stretching from skies to sea.  We had a very full day yesterday with 'rally driver' Steve at the wheel of our hire car - it's thanks to his skills that we managed to cover so much […]

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22 February, 2014
Roseau, Portsmouth and Freebooter

We had a great sail across from Martinique to Dominica - the acceleration zone didn't let us down!  We creamed along at 8knots despite being reefed right down - Ocean Rainbow in her element.    We are now anchored in Prince Rupert Bay in Portsmouth although we did start off in Roseau for the first night […]

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19 February, 2014
A whale of a day

We moved up to St Pierre to check out of  Martinique and about halfway up the coast and a mile offshore we spotted our first whale - it was so large we were delighted it was at quite a distance, as it breached numerous times sending up huge plumes of water.  We promise that splash […]

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17 February, 2014
Brilliant Banks - the bosun's chair

This picture really is true - James made it up to the top of the mast whilst we were at anchor.  The sea was calm but the gusts of wind coming  through were up to 15 knots so no mean achievement for a chap with vertigo!   It's all down to the marvellous bosun's chair that […]

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16 February, 2014
Red and White

It’s back to back parties in Grand Anse!   After an afternoon of snorkelling we went ashore for a Red and White themed party at our favourite restaurant (excellent Wifi) and joined the throng to dance to some great local music suitably attired in red and white.   Then this morning Jon (Hecla) arrived with fresh bread […]

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15 February, 2014
Black Tie and Hearts!

A party with a difference this year as the alternative option to black tie was fancy dress – and we certainly got some ‘fancy’ dressing!   A really fun evening started with the arrival of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, swiftly followed by the Jesters who were trying to escape from the clutches of a bunch of pirates […]

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14 February, 2014
Claire gives up Pot!

We left Grand Anse on Wednesday afternoon and had a great sail to Fort de France, did a bit of sight seeing and even had a BBQ at anchor in the harbour.   After a bit of a rolly night 'P' day dawned and Claire set off in the bus to the hospital.   What a relief! […]

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12 February, 2014
Turtles Galore!

On route to Grand Anse d’Arlet we sailed between Diamond Rock - aka HMS Diamond Rock from Napoleonic times - and Pointe du Diamont; an exciting little passage!   We are now on an EU provided free mooring in Grand Anse bay and enjoying the delights of swimming with turtles.  This is a lovely spot – […]

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11 February, 2014
Got the gas – we’re moving on!

The prime reason to stop off in St Lucia was to refill a gas bottle.  It ran out on arrival in Martinique and we haven’t been able to find anywhere to refill it despite sending the bottle to Grenada on the ferry in the care of the purser!   Total relief to find that ‘Suds’ (the […]

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