Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Black Tie and Hearts!

By Claire on Sat 15 Feb

Black Tie and HeartsValentines 008A party with a difference this year as the alternative option to black tie was fancy dress – and we certainly got some ‘fancy’ dressing!   A really fun evening started with the arrival of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, swiftly followed by the Jesters who were trying to escape from the clutches of a bunch of pirates and a Hula Hula girl (we leave you to make your own decision about the girl bit!).     An Ocean Rainbow loving cup (Pimms, in good English style) started the evening before we continued with more traditional beverages.   The meal was delicious with contributions from everyone which made the whole evening stress free and helped to create a lovely atmosphere for a party … we did dance, but not much (!) and we did have our own music but in the end we thought the band onshore were doing a good job and decided not to compete.  See more pictures.  Happy Valentine's everyone!

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