Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
31 March, 2016
Utila the Hunduran!

What a treasure of an island!   Utila is really whacky (and yes, that does include a lot of the ‘baccy’ stuff!) with just one street running the length of the town, it is stuffed full of dive shops and restaurants.   Tuc-tucs, scooters, quad bikes and cycles abound but no sight of a car as yet!   […]

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29 March, 2016
Scooter lot of fun!

What a great last day we have had on Roatan as we explored the eastern end of the island on scooters, had a delicious lunch at La Sirena restaurant and then returned to base to have an evening together with the OCC Rally and watch a firedancer!   Never a dull moment on this rally!  The […]

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28 March, 2016
Diurnal Roatan

Diurnal winds are a main feature of this part of Honduras (as we have now discovered) and Roatan has the strongest ones!!  Each night on our anchorage, we have had winds up to 30 knots and for a couple of nights gusts over 35 knots.  The holding in the anchorage at French Harbour is poor […]

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22 March, 2016
Guanaja Birthday Boy

Guanaja is a small Honduran island reminiscent of Venice, criss-crossed with canals and jam packed with friendly people (8,000 or so) whose colourful houses are perched precariously on stilts defying the wind and waves.   After checking in, we moved on to El Bight - 1nm from the main town - to anchor, as the holding […]

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21 March, 2016
Grandparents again

Rory Frederick Hedley Short arrived in this world on 10th March at 10.31am weighing 7lbs 1oz.   A little earlier than anticipated but both Verity and baby are doing well and Edward has been perfecting his nappy changing skills.   The little family are now home and Rory is establishing his routine.   We are, needless to say, totally thrilled and looking […]

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20 March, 2016
Big Fish and Big Waves

  Well we have had a bit of an adventure!  First James caught the biggest fish yet and we had a total fish fest – good job as after preparing that particular meal everything became somewhat more of a challenge.  The weather we had been trying to avoid arrived with a vengeance.   Luckily we are […]

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19 March, 2016
Morgan’s Cave

This cave would have been impossible to spot had it not been for a couple of snorkellers who just appeared out of the rock face.   It’s really very small and airtight so not a place you could stay in too long and it certainly wouldn’t have held much treasure!     We have enjoyed the snorkelling here […]

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13 March, 2016
Seeking Morgan’s Treasure

We are currently in Providencia: another Colombian island but 130 nm off the coast of Nicaragua.  Providencia is linked to the island of Santa Catalina (by ‘Lovers’ Bridge’), where Pirate Captain Morgan’s remains are buried (or so the story goes) but despite swimming off Morgan’s Head, checking out the little caves and keeping our eyes […]

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8 March, 2016
San Andres - island of 7 colours

After a two day sail we arrived at the San Andres outer buoy and found ourselves being escorted to our anchorage!   We have 24/7 security from the Navy and we have been given a great welcome to this small Colombian island off the Nicaraguan coast.     To date we’ve been snorkeling in the crystal clear waters […]

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1 March, 2016

Thanks to S/Y Silver Lynx we were able to transit through the Panama Canal as line-handlers.   We joined the yacht in Shelter Bay at 1pm on Sunday and motored to the ‘flats’ where we anchored to await the arrival of our adviser (Victor).   Once he’d arrived we set off, entering the lock system around 8pm […]

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