Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Seeking Morgan’s Treasure

By Claire on Sun 13 Mar

Providencia 103Providencia 050We are currently in Providencia: another Colombian island but 130 nm off the coast of Nicaragua.  Providencia is linked to the island of Santa Catalina (by ‘Lovers’ Bridge’), where Pirate Captain Morgan’s remains are buried (or so the story goes) but despite swimming off Morgan’s Head, checking out the little caves and keeping our eyes peeled on our walk we arrived home empty handed!   Subsequently we’ve scootered, walked and snorkelled in search of the elusive treasure but failed to locate anything.   The island is tiny but we managed to stretch our scooter outing to 6 hours by stopping off at every conceivable viewing point and place of interest plus taking a long leisurely lunch at Café Studio (delicious).   This is a very small, charming island with lovely people and well worth a visit.

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