Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Utila the Hunduran!

By Claire on Thu 31 Mar

Utila 032Reef shark IIIWhat a treasure of an island!   Utila is really whacky (and yes, that does include a lot of the ‘baccy’ stuff!) with just one street running the length of the town, it is stuffed full of dive shops and restaurants.   Tuc-tucs, scooters, quad bikes and cycles abound but no sight of a car as yet!   Snorkelling on a reef is a short dinghy ride away; and we have finally found some reef sharks and taken a great little video to prove we were swimming with them.    The water is crystal clear around the boat, it’s sunny and the howling wind of Roatan is but a distant memory!   Who could ask for more?

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