Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
27 February, 2016

What an amazing visit.   We left the marina in our coach for a tour through the National Park to the Fort of San Lorenzo to hear tales of Henry Morgan as well as seeing howler monkeys, beautiful butterflies, a sloth and boa constrictor.   We then continued on to the Panama Canal where we spent […]

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26 February, 2016
Close encounters

After a great and rather too exciting sail from Portobello, we are now in Shelter Bay and ready to explore this part of Panama.    As we approached the Christobal entrance, we radioed for clearance to enter the breakwater and were given permission to proceed.  We then had the unnerving experience of finding a tanker, which […]

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22 February, 2016
Blog Catch Ups

We are now back in the land of internet and we are going to update our  blogs and website pages with photos and details of our magical time in the San Blas islands.   We'll post in date order and can only apologise for the overload in your inbox but hope that you will enjoy […]

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18 February, 2016

After an ‘interesting’ exit from Isla Linton with 30+ knots of wind and seas of 3 metres we had an exceedingly fast passage to Portobello (discovered by Columbus in 1502).  Once we were tucked into the bay all the weather on the north coast became just a memory, so it is easy to understand why […]

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17 February, 2016
Who’s the monkey?

Isla Linton, a private island, has now been abandoned and is home only to a family of monkeys who amazed us in their ability to walk upright, displaying so many human mannerisms.  We visited the colourful and simple villages of Puerto Lindo and Garrote - our first stops on the mainland of Panama.  We then […]

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15 February, 2016
Salardupdupdup ….

Salardup was the last of the ‘dups’ (meaning island in Guna) we visited during our stay in the San Blas.  Along with Makani, we anchored off the island in splendid isolation for 24 hours and were able to walk on prisitine sandy beaches, snorkel amongst rays and eat lobster sold by local Guna fishermen.   What […]

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14 February, 2016
Happy Valentine’s

Banedup is a lovely island with bar, tables and chairs, music and a dock.  An ideal location for us to organise a party and that is just what we did for Valentine’s Day.   There were 20 boats from the Suzie Too Rally in the anchorage and 49 folk dinghied to the island in ‘fancy’ Heart’s […]

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11 February, 2016
Cool like Claudio  

We have very much enjoyed time spent with our lovely Swiss friends on Makani, Claudio being of Italian extraction ….or could the attraction be an incy winsy bit of Italian in James which has finally been allowed free rein?    James has been heavily influenced in his attempt to be as cool as Claudio!   Life […]

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10 February, 2016
Hot Tubs, Japanese Gardens and Lobster  

We are once again back in East Holandes Cays within an easy dinghy ride of the Hot Tub anchorage, where there is a reef of coral that is just so pretty and varied it has earned itself the name of The Japanese Garden.   The fish are equally colourful and varied and James even spied a […]

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4 February, 2016
Green Island and The Suzettes

We only stayed one night in the anchorage at Nargana before moving on to Green Island where we met up with the rest of the Rally boats for a fun social time.   On the first night we had sundowners on a tiny, sandy, deserted island followed by a pancake supper on OR with Willem and […]

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