Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Diurnal Roatan

By Claire on Mon 28 Mar

Roatan 054Guanaja and Roatan 006Diurnal winds are a main feature of this part of Honduras (as we have now discovered) and Roatan has the strongest ones!!  Each night on our anchorage, we have had winds up to 30 knots and for a couple of nights gusts over 35 knots.  The holding in the anchorage at French Harbour is poor so there have been no nightly excursions for us, as we all sit ‘at home’ ready to deal with dragging boats (and there have been a couple).   During the day the winds drop so we have been out exploring and snorkelling.   We’ve seen some enormous tarpon but were unable to dive any of the wrecks as the sea state is just too wild and the visibility poor.   We visited the West End – very touristy but with beautiful beaches, and hope to investigate the eastern end of the island on scooters.

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