Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Chilling out in Bequia

By Claire on Thu 23 Jan

IshtarEpoxy 001The overnight sail from St Anne’s, Martinique to Port Elizabeth, Bequia was 90nm and in normal circumstances would be a beam reach, but this being us we found ourselves sailing close to the wind for the majority of the trip!  We sailed past St Lucia; then the next morning off St Vincent we picked up Ishtar another Warrior 40 sailing north.  We had a mid-ocean chat and agreed to meet at some later stage – perhaps for the cricket in Antigua!    Ishtar’s sail number is 95 and ours is 94…what a wonderful coincidental meeting.  As we sailed into Bequia we were hailed by a yacht at anchor – our friends Hans & Katrin from Las Galletas (Tenerife).  They came on board for a sundowner and we had plenteous drinks exchanging war stories of crossing  the Atlantic…another wonderful coincidental get-together.  What's more, Hans once again came to the rescue and has helped James with epoxy for the rotostay - the magic glue remedy from Martinique just didn't quite match up to the sales pitch!

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