Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Sainte Anne’s Bay

By Claire on Mon 20 Jan

Ocean Rainbow at anchor in Saint Anne bayJames with Catholic Church in backgroundWe may only have moved 2nm from Le Marin but what a difference!  St Anne has no chandleries, fewer yachts, a few restaurants and a few shops all centred around the town square and the church.   We actually managed to make it ashore for the morning service at the Catholic church on Sunday and thoroughly enjoyed it all.  The hymns/songs were all practised beforehand so we were able to join in and the whole service was conducted in wonderfully enunciated French so we could almost understand it all – got a bit lost in the sermon but that can happen even if it’s given in English!   We enjoyed a burger and chips supper last night at a café set in amongst the trees just opposite our anchorage.  When they ran out of beer (it was a Sunday) we were given free rum…..this is the life!  We have put a few more photos from the last couple of weeks on the January RTW page.

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