Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
26 November, 2016
It's raining .....

And it's been raining now for over 48 hours - the after effects of hurricane Otto! We're wearing long sleeves, rain jackets and hats! This is not what we signed up for!!! Add to that the list of repairs needed on Ocean Rainbow and you can understand that the mood inside the boat is as […]

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20 November, 2016
Fincas, Frogs and Falls

The weather isn’t too good but we are having a lovely time exploring Lake Izabal.  We anchored off Finca Jocolo and went ashore to meet the villagers (what a simple life they lead).  Next stop was El Paraiso where we walked to Agua Caliente to swim, float under the hot falls and bathe in the […]

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16 November, 2016
If it moves salute it ....

To continue the old military adage ..... if it stays still, polish it!   Well we haven't been saluting too many things recently, although we did attend an Armistice Day Event with fellow yachties from 6 nations.   The rest of the time we have spent polishing and you will probably think we have taken […]

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6 November, 2016
Power Boost

We have doubled our solar power capability by swapping out our 80w panel for 150w and mounting an MPPT charge controller in place of the original PMW - if you're befuddled don't worry! Suffice to say we're delighted. We had our gantry reinforced by Martin Maillé, ably assisted by his wife, Lisette so we have […]

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3 November, 2016
Day of the Dead

Something of a misnomer we think as the phrase conjures up a sombre affair rather than the exuberant fun filled day we have just experienced.    On the 1st November, early in the day, Guatemalan families gather around their family graves and clean, tidy, paint and lay flowers before they settle down to eat and drink.   […]

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