Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Power Boost

By Claire on Sun 06 Nov

003002We have doubled our solar power capability by swapping out our 80w panel for 150w and mounting an MPPT charge controller in place of the original PMW - if you're befuddled don't worry! Suffice to say we're delighted. We had our gantry reinforced by Martin Maillé, ably assisted by his wife, Lisette so we have no worries about the extra weight. At the same time Martin devised an ingenious bracket for our new Tiller Pilot. It has to be the neatest arrangement we have seen on any yacht so far. We've tested all the systems on the hard so here's hoping everything is as efficient when we actually get in the water on Wednesday. We are counting down the hours until we splash - Ocean Rainbow has told us, she's fed up with being suspended in a cradle on land and is desperate to back in the water. So are we!!

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