Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

If it moves salute it ....

By Claire on Wed 16 Nov

006img_2049To continue the old military adage ..... if it stays still, polish it!   Well we haven't been saluting too many things recently, although we did attend an Armistice Day Event with fellow yachties from 6 nations.   The rest of the time we have spent polishing and you will probably think we have taken things a little too far when we tell you we have just had our fuel polished!   We'd heard about the process in Trinidad so when the opportunity arose here to have the fuel filtered and the tank cleaned we booked our slot.  Roger arrived early (quite took us by surprise!) started work immediately, was extremely efficient and finished a little over two hours later.  We can now say we are shining inside and out and it's time to test the systems.  We're off to Lake Izabal to explore.

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