Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Fincas, Frogs and Falls

By Claire on Sun 20 Nov

jacolo-cascades-and-el-boqueron-059jacolo-cascades-and-el-boqueron-054The weather isn’t too good but we are having a lovely time exploring Lake Izabal.  We anchored off Finca Jocolo and went ashore to meet the villagers (what a simple life they lead).  Next stop was El Paraiso where we walked to Agua Caliente to swim, float under the hot falls and bathe in the hot pools, having braved a cliff-climb that was the territory of some big ugly smelly frogs/toads to get there.  We then caught a local ‘collectivo’ minibus (23 people inside or hanging around the edges and 3 on the top, one of whom was James!) to visit El Boqueron canyon which was in full flood so we couldn’t canoe right up to a special beach, but what we saw was very beautiful and worth the visit.   Our trip home was very civilised – we hitched a lift in the back of a truck.  Beats a ‘collectivo’ any day!

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