Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
23 October, 2016
Water Taxis R Us!

We woke to sparkling sun, changed our plans again and headed for the water and a trip around Lake Atitlan. We used the 'public' lanchas (water taxis) and headed for San Marcos, the home of all things mystical and hippy! We could have spent quite a few days chilling there but after a wander around […]

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23 October, 2016
Room with a view!

Hmmmm .. think we may have got this one wrong!! Not quite the view we saw on the website! After a 3 hour air conditioned bus trip, as the only passengers, we have arrived in the city of Pananajachel which is described as the portal to Lake Atitlan. It's also described as a portal to […]

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