Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Room with a view!

By Claire on Sun 23 Oct

img_1669img_1653Hmmmm .. think we may have got this one wrong!! Not quite the view we saw on the website! After a 3 hour air conditioned bus trip, as the only passengers, we have arrived in the city of Pananajachel which is described as the portal to Lake Atitlan. It's also described as a portal to the indigenous world of the Mayans and other ancient people. What we have found is a town absolutely rammed with stuff to sell to tourists with none of the charm of Antigua but we are sure it will 'grow' on us! As the weather isn't particularly good at the moment we shall wait a day or so before taking a tour of the lake! Ever the optimists, we know the sun will sparkle for us! Oh ... and we'll be changing hotels tomorrow!

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