Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
15 June, 2016
On our way home!

Well this is it, we’re sitting at Guatemala City airport and about to fly on a rather convoluted route via America and Canada back to UK.  The rum and gin bottles are empty, Ocean Rainbow is packed up, the dehumidifier is programmed and we have said our farewells to Makani and the Suzie Too Rallyers […]

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9 June, 2016
Fronteras – The Final Frontier?

From ancient lorries with the loudest airbrakes imagineable, cattle trucks and Tuc-Tucs to the traditionally dressed Mayans, this town in all its colour and noise has taken us back in time.  The street vendors line the one and only street selling wonderful fresh veg, freshly cooked tortillas or fried fish and chicken; the sidewalk shops […]

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1 June, 2016
Loch Dulce Monster

 Whatever Guatemala can do, we know that Scotland can do better, but look who visited us while we were cleaning the boat in El Golfete.   Loch Dulce's very own 'monster'.   Luckily this male basilisk failed to get on board despite Herculean efforts and we have the scratch marks on the hull as evidence! […]

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