Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
27 April, 2019
The sun has returned ..... thank you!

We’re sailing again and have made our escape to Port Cassis.   According to Frédéric Mistral, ‘He who has seen Paris and not Cassis, has seen nothing.’  Well it is very picturesque and friendly with its harbour surrounded by tall, colourful, shuttered buildings with terracotta roofs but Paris it is not!!  There is a magnificent […]

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23 April, 2019
Give us back our sun ..... please!!

While England roasts in glorious sunshine we are battling strong winds, overcast skies and rain!  Our anchorage became untenable with 40 knot winds - and stronger winds forecast for the night - so we moved.   We hoisted the tiniest bit of sail and rocketed 6nm across to Carry le Rouet where we surged into […]

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22 April, 2019
Easter with a difference

After exploring Frioul, we set off eastwards with great hopes of reaching a new destination on Easter Sunday only to be trounced by weather and plastic fatigue! A handful of sliders on our main sail decided to break taking the main sail out of commission, which meant either motoring into strong winds with lumpy seas […]

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19 April, 2019
Sailing again

Weather is a challenge this early in the season but we have left the Marina at Port Napoleon and are finally at anchor in the Frioul Archipelago.   We had a cracking sail.   Not exactly what one would have ordered for the shakedown sail (20+ kts) but everything worked beautifully.  Our reef went in […]

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5 April, 2019
Another year, another adventure!

After an amazingly smooth trip back to Port Napoleon (via EasyJet & buses), we are now back on board Ocean Rainbow and ready to start another sailing season .... and this time we really will be sailing!    OR required a lot of washing, cleaning and polishing but otherwise our return to the water was […]

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