Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Give us back our sun ..... please!!

By Claire on Tue 23 Apr

While England roasts in glorious sunshine we are battling strong winds, overcast skies and rain!  Our anchorage became untenable with 40 knot winds - and stronger winds forecast for the night - so we moved.   We hoisted the tiniest bit of sail and rocketed 6nm across to Carry le Rouet where we surged into the port on the breaking surf and breathed a sigh of relief that we’d made it!  (For those who’ve followed our travels it felt like our arrival in Essaouira, Morocco. We even had the handbrake turn just after the breakwater!)  We’re now rugged up to await the return of our sun from UK and some slightly calmer sailing conditions ...... please!

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