Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
16 May, 2019
WARRIOR 40 For Sale

Well we’ve bitten the bullet and faced the fact we’re getting older.   Ocean Rainbow is looking for new adventuring owners while her current ones are still enjoying their sailing.   We’re not sure how long it will take to find someone who will continue to lavish love on Ocean Rainbow and take her to […]

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14 May, 2019
Wedding break

What a way to end the first part of this season’s sailing!    8.2knots over the ground for protracted periods with a reef in!   Way to go Ocean Rainbow!!    In case you haven’t gathered we had an absolutely cracking sail back to Port Napoleon from Marseille.  We are now about to leave OR […]

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12 May, 2019
Mistral hopping!

We are managing to get about in between the Mistral onslaughts.    We escaped Port Napoleon and sailed to Port Pin (via Frioul) where we had hoped to stop but we weren’t happy about anchoring in such a narrow gorge with strong winds forecast.    So, off we went to the next calanque and took […]

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8 May, 2019
Variety is the spice of life?

We are having a very varied season so far in terms of weather!  One minute it’s glorious sunshine and the next it’s almost as cold as an English winter.    We’ve had no wind and been bobbing at anchor in true South of France fashion, then winds gusting 53 knots (saw it with our own […]

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