Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
30 June, 2015
Two years on and Tommy joins the crew!

Can't believe that it has been two years since we left Portishead.    We have actually been on board for 18 months having laid up for our first hurricane season but this year we are continuing with the sailing and heading south to find more islands and for this next stage of the adventure we are […]

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29 June, 2015
Raising the Barré

For all of you who think we have become total Philistines and are only interested in parties, here’s the proof that we do attend cultural soirées.   Having moved from True Blue Bay to Prickly Bay we went, this evening, to the TiKi Bar for Conception Dance Theatre’s presentation of “Raising the Barré”.   It was a […]

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26 June, 2015
Brilliant Sail

We left Tyrrel Bay yesterday to sail down the east coast of Grenada heading for True Blue, Grenada.   There was the chance for a 'race' with Peter on Mandalay and Bjorn on Tarounga as they were also leaving at the same time.   However, there was one small problem - the size of our boat compared […]

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24 June, 2015
Jam Raid

‘Twas all Honey Ryder’s fault!  Well that’s our version and we’re sticking to it!  On Saturday we all (Honey Ryder, Freebooter and OR) had an early supper on OR and the plan was to go and join in a ‘music’ evening ashore complete with Claire’s guitar, Tom’s bongos and Sabrina’s percussion instruments …. however, at […]

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19 June, 2015
Registered Trademark

We have just registered ‘Vidal Short’ as the trademark name for the new salon we plan to open on our return to UK.   Not content with mastering the skills of a marine engineer, James has now turned his hand to hairdressing!   Until now, Claire has always managed to find someone ‘professional’ to trim her locks […]

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14 June, 2015
Yamahaha HATES swimming!

It’s confirmed, Yamahaha hates swimming, can’t swim and never wants to try it again!  In the middle of the wildest night of bullet blasting wind anchored in Chatham Bay (Union Island), Puddle decides to see if Yamahaha can swim.   Although tied securely onto the back of Ocean Rainbow the wind managed to get underneath Puddle […]

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11 June, 2015
Emperor's new clothes?

Little had Puddle realised, but up until today she has been running around wearing the emperor's new clothes.   Today she is respectable and fully clad in the smartest 'chaps' imagineable.    We're delighted that we have finally been able to spend long enough in one place to actually get the chaps made - and […]

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9 June, 2015
Steve’s Speedy Tours

We had an amazing two day rally tour of St Vincent thanks to Steve’s rally driving skills.  We drove to the end of the road on both the west and east coasts – the locals were really surprised to see us! – up mountain roads with crazy gradients and down the other side holding our breath […]

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8 June, 2015
Two iPad Happy Hour

Cruisers are all 'weather junkies' and take every opportunity possible to download the latest GRIB files, weather predictions and anything related to weather in their area - here is evidence that it doesn't have to be a chore .... but the number of iPads in use definitely outnumbered the folk enjoying Happy Hour at the […]

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3 June, 2015
It was a draw!

Thank you for all your submissions, we have had lots of chuckles over the responses.   For those who, like us, had never heard of a swale before – it is a depression in the ground that serves the purpose of reducing flooding.  Although the ground is supposed to be boggy in the area, there was […]

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