Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
30 April, 2014
Murphy strikes again

Having endured 30knot winds on the nose (i.e. from the southeast) to get down to Laborie – only to turn around again and go back to Soufriere because the swell in the bay would have been too uncomfortable for words – only a day later we found ourselves heading back up to Marigot Bay and […]

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27 April, 2014
Fish Friday

We sailed all of 2nm to Anse La Raye on Friday morning to make sure we were in a prime spot to get ashore for Fish Friday!   We needn’t have worried about over-crowding in the anchorage, it was Freebooter and ourselves.   Fish Friday is quite something and must be the biggest money earner for the […]

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25 April, 2014
All because of a Lion Fish

We were ashore in Marigot Bay admiring the scenery when our attention was caught by a flurry of activity at the dinghy dock – the locals had spotted a lion fish under the pontoon. It’s an exotic creature and we all crammed around to have a look. In the ‘scrum’ we got chatting to a Danish […]

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20 April, 2014
Happy Easter

Wow! We have certainly had a truly Caribbean Easter service!   We got up at sparrows this morning (well, sparrows for us!) and dinghied in to the dock in Rodney Bay to meet up with Annemarie and Steve from Freebooter at 6.45am.   We then caught the local bus to Castries and went to Holy Trinity for […]

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15 April, 2014
Blog from Edward and Verity

What a fabulous 10 days onboard Ocean Rainbow in Martinique, with plenty of sun, sea, and ..... snorkels. We did not venture far for our first stop and found a beautiful anchorage in Grande Anse.  Here we began our arduous relaxation sessions including snorkelling, sunbathing, snoozing and sundowners and we ventured ashore for a hike […]

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11 April, 2014
Empty Nest and still no fish

The fish score is still 'Null' despite Verity's best endeavours but she did manage to not only swim with turtles but also ride with them (as did Edward and James).  Ocean Rainbow is now a rather empty boat as E&V headed back to UK yesterday but there are lots of photos and happy memories.   We […]

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7 April, 2014
Crew at last!

It’s wonderful to have E&V on board and we are thoroughly enjoying their company although not too sure that James is quite so happy about his share of the uncooked fruitcake mix!   So far no fish however Edward did catch a crab but we decided to put it back in the water as it wouldn’t […]

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2 April, 2014
E&V Day!

At last the day has arrived!  Edward and Verity are on their way to Martinique and we are anchored in Fort de France ready to welcome them on board Ocean Rainbow and show them some of the lovely anchorages we have visited on this island.    We're hoping the clouds will have passed on by […]

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