Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

All because of a Lion Fish

By Claire on Fri 25 Apr

RodalonMarianne in her galleyWe were ashore in Marigot Bay admiring the scenery when our attention was caught by a flurry of activity at the dinghy dock – the locals had spotted a lion fish under the pontoon. It’s an exotic creature and we all crammed around to have a look. In the ‘scrum’ we got chatting to a Danish chap who turned out to be a veritable fount of information about ‘laying up boats for the hurricane season in Grenada’ and he even donated a bottle of Rodalon from his precious stock for us to use to disinfect Ocean Rainbow!   Needless to say we asked him on board for a sundowner - we had a lovely evening and we are now much wiser thanks to Finn and Marianne from Privateer.   And, last night we were invited on board their very luxurious 60’ Swan for another evening filled with information and lots of laughs.

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