Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
8 September, 2013
Sao Jacinto

What a great little harbour tucked away behind the sand dunes.    Not sure we would have ventured here without Pau Amma’s blog, so thank you Matt!  We took Puddle ashore and found the local supermarket!   Then had a trip around the locality before heading off across the bay on the ferry to investigate further.   We […]

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8 September, 2013
Red Passion completes her first slalom course

Thanks to the blogs of Pau Amma and Freya of Wight we had been warned about the numerous pot buoys along the Portuguese ‘silver coast’ but the slalom course we had to run was quite a challenge and required sharp beady eyes.   Humphrey and Red Passion came through with shining colours.  A minor hiccough though […]

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