Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
20 July, 2013
Another busy mooring

We took the bikes ashore and explored Portosin – more higgledy-piggeldy streets with a few shops tucked away in unlikely corners.   No church to be seen but we did spot a Supermercado (at the top of a hill so out of our reach!).    We had another King Canute issue!  You’d think we’d have learnt about […]

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20 July, 2013
Puddle gets some exercise

Well we didn’t get far yesterday – a whole 4.6nm!  However, well worth the move as we have dropped an anchor in a bay on the Portosin side of the Ria without a yacht in sight.   Bliss!  James did check out the prices in the marina, which although less expensive than Muros, were still considerably […]

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