Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
30 July, 2012
The Olympics

It made us proud to be British ...  we had a wonderful day, watched Hand Ball and cheered Croatia and Denmark to victory, sat in the Park and watched the big screen, walked miles and eventually arrived home courtesy of  National Express totally shattered!

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29 July, 2012
9th/12th Royal Lancers win the Captains & Subalterns Polo at Tidworth

Ocean Rainbow had a day off ... her crew went to watch Polo and what an afternoon was had with the 9th/12thL carrying off the biggest silver cup imagineable. Well done Matt Eyre-Brook, Matthew Woodhead, Chris Fisher and Hugh Robinson .... and all the supporting cast who cheered them to victory.

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28 July, 2012
Ocean Rainbow on a mercy mission

Ocean Rainbow spotted Fantasie in trouble in the Bristol Channel this afternoon.  With winds gusting 30 knots Fantasie was dismasted but her crew managed to rescue the mast, rigging and sails despite the bumpy seas.  OR stood by at the ready but we were not needed nor were the crew of Portishead lifeboat who arrived in time to ensure that […]

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27 July, 2012
London 2012 and Ocean Rainbow!

Chris Gundry joined us for a sail under the Bridge towards St Pierre for lunch 'on the go' before returning to Portishead for the Grand Opening of London 2012 which we watched on the 'Big Screen' amidst international flags after an International Supper at St Peter's Church!   A great day and a great night.  

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22 July, 2012
Ocean Rainbow takes out the 'Likely Lads' and one Lass

It seemed like a good idea before Andrew's birthday party .... not sure how strong everyone was actually feeling on the day.    Well done 'Rams' for representing the girls!

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19 July, 2012
Ocean Rainbow entertains 'surprised' guests!

    After a dash down channel we managed to get to Oxwich bay in time to welcome Eileen and Chris Stables on board... their instructions from Lil' Claire and Andrew had been to dress warmly, wear wellies and not to worry about supper!   They were well and truly 'surprised'!   We had a great evening.

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17 July, 2012
Ocean Rainbow acquires some charts

Thanks to Matthew and Frankie Shaw, who joined us on board for supper last night, we now have some wonderful charts covering lots of the Caribbean islands .. plus one covering the Bay of  Biscay!   It makes our adventure seem much closer but also a  bit worrying considering the amount of work still to be […]

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10 July, 2012
Trip down memory lane

For a donation to the Jessie May Trust, James takes people on Ocean Rainbow to view the Avonmouth Riviera from the sea.   As a retirement present for her Dad, Cate Everitt arranged a trip for her parents (Liz and John) as her Dad had always enjoyed sailing and hadn't had the opportunity to sail recently.    Short of crew […]

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1 July, 2012
A day out with the boys!

Andrew, Tom and Tom out for a day's sail on OR.  Alison and Kay joined us in the marina for drinks afterwards!

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