Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
11 June, 2012
Home again!

Back in Portishead in one piece after Ocean Rainbow's 950nm summer holiday.   We'll try and take her to the Scilly Isles in September to make up for our abortive attempt last week.

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10 June, 2012
Admin in Cardiff

Loathe to return home early we stopped off in Cardiff and made the most of our time there tidying up the boat and carrying out modifications in preparation for our round-the-world trip next year.

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9 June, 2012
Escape from Padstow

Two and half days rugged up in Padstow is all the credit card could stand so we slipped our mooring in Padstow at 0800 and set off for Barry and home.  We did manage to fly Charlie but sadly the wind died off during the night and we had to spend a fair amount of time […]

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6 June, 2012
Padstow via the Scilly Islands avoiding Storm Force 10

We were just 12 miles short of the Scilly Islands when the gale warning came through .... serious disappointment but we decided to alter course and head for Padstow.  James had suggested Newlyn but Claire thought the extra sailing to Padstow in rubbish conditions would reap its rewards!  She was right!   The credit card took a hammering […]

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5 June, 2012
L'Aber Ildut

A well kept secret - what a wonderful place to stop .... and what an amazing mooring experience!!  Good job no one was videoing us, it would have been a red hot success on YouTube!  Slipped our mooring at 0800 and set off for the Scilly Islands.

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4 June, 2012
Chenal du Fort - why weren't we warned?

The Raz de Sein was a pussy cat compared with the  Chenal du Fort!  6 knots of tide with us, 17 knots of wind and still the waves were stopping us dead!!  Photos just do not do reality justice!

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3 June, 2012
St Evette

Lots of wind!  Hard work trying to get to St Evette but a lovely overnight stop on a visitor's mooring buoy in preparation for our assault on the Raz de Sein and Chenal du Fort.

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2 June, 2012
Jubilee Safari Party

We celebrated the Jubilee in style at Concarneau.  Classic Dream were already settled, we made the acquaintance of Ayesha of St Mawes and invited them to join us for a 'moveable feast'.   Dressed in red, blue and white,  with flags aloft we started on Classic Dream for drinks and starter, moved to Ocean Rainbow for main […]

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1 June, 2012
MOB Drill

Slipped Port Tudy early ... rafted three deep is not our idea of a heaven!  Set off towards Concarneau and tried a spot of fishing but failed miserably and ended up with MOB drill to rescue the line!  Luckily James' eagle eyes and Claire's fantastic 'hooking' skills spared the demise of our trusty mackerel line […]

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