Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
31 May, 2012
Dolphins off Les Iles de Groix

Brilliant trip, we stopped off at the Glenans for lunch and then hoist 'Charlie' the cruising chute for most of the trip to Port Tudy and were rewarded with a host of dolphins playing alongside.

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30 May, 2012
Elementary my dear Watson

We moored up in Le Guilvenec and met the Watsons from 'Elementary....'  Le Guilvenec is a typical f ishing village - reminiscent of Newlyn and was a fabulous stopping off point.

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29 May, 2012

Small world - we moored up and who should appear but 'Seahey'.  They came on board for drinks after supper.

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28 May, 2012
Ushant - the furthest western island in Europe

It's all Edward's fault for giving us the book of the 501 Islands you must visit!  And, Ushant didn't disappoint, it was a lovely mooring and very picturesque island.   We enjoyed a beer ashore and dinner on board.

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26 May, 2012
Party time!

Jean Golding took a line ashore as we moored in L'Aber Wrach and the next thing we knew we were invited on board 'Classic Dream' for tea.   This was shortly followed by drinks on board when Nikki and Peter from 'Seahey' were also invited!

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26 May, 2012
Channel crossing

Safe passage across the Channel - only 2 hours of engine and 125 nm covered.  This little bird joined us for a while in the middle of the Channel .... lost? resting?   Who knows, but he wasn't hungry ... the crumbs Claire left on the foredeck were ignored completely!

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25 May, 2012
St Mawes

Abortive attempt to cross the channel - a gale warning decided a change in our plans so we headed back for a wonderful sunny afternoon and evening on a swinging mooring in St Mawes.

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25 May, 2012
A visit from the Navy

Visibility was rubbish but we were somewhat surprised that two of HM's warships were quite so close to our port bow!   A type 22 and stretch 42 frigate were on manoeuvres and practising their driving - well that was our interpretation as they circled us!

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24 May, 2012
Tea Party on Ocean Rainbow

Marianne & Ian Inskip came across from Goonhaven, Rick and Gill Rickards from St Mawes in their RIB and Rupert Smith just happened to tip up single-handed from the Exe and moor two yachts behind us ....   all came on board for tea!    Adrian then departed for home leaving Claire to take on his role as […]

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24 May, 2012
Falmouth in sight!

James and Adrian arrived in Falmouth after a rather long motor sail - despite their best endeavours to sail!

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