Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
29 April, 2012
Lunch on board in Force 10

 Paul Blackham (a fellow Bristol Savage) and Julia Tresidder (Paul's sailing daughter) on board OR for lunch in a Force 10 gale!            Just in case you are under any illusion ... we did not put to sea, we were firmly moored up in our berth at Portishead!      

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20 April, 2012
PWRCC Supper on board 'No Name'

The PWRCC (Portishead World Rally Cruising Club - pronounced PAWK) met on board Vicky and Elliot's wonderful Bowman - yet to be named!    After Vicky's amazing curry John may well be feeling the pressure of hosting the next meeting of the PWRCC on Hecla.

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7 April, 2012
OR's first visit to Milford Haven Estuary

 We had a wonderful  sail today arriving in Milford Haven Estuary with the sun shining.   We finally moored up in Neyland Yacht Haven having investigated upstream as far as the water would allow. No sooner were we safely ensconced than we spied Nos Paket arriving.   We'd sailed a hundred odd miles only to find our 'almost' neighbours from Portishead, neighbours […]

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6 April, 2012
OR off Caldey Island

We spent last night in Barry - tied up to the Pilot Buoy - then set off first thing for a bit of a bumpy ride to the Gower coast.   It was wonderful to find calm waters off Caldey Island where we anchored for the night in blissful isolation.

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1 April, 2012
Christening the new rod

 Didn't catch much - but hardly surprising when fishing off Weston-super-Mud!  Still, good to try out the new 'birthday' reel from the boys.

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