Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
6 September, 2013

Thanks to Martyn's swift response we now know we would have been flying the Alderney flag to cross the border from Spain to Portugal!   Claire bought the Portuguese flag but didn't open the packet until an hour before the border ....... minor panic set it, but all was resolved as Claire cobbled together a proximile […]

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5 September, 2013
Name this Flag

£10 to your favourite charity if you can help us out and name this flag.   First correct answer – with nominated charity – wins this wonderful prize!    Once we have the answer you will find out why we have had to ask the question!!  And yes, we are in Portugal!!!

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3 September, 2013
Is this our last stop in Spain?

We were supposed to be overnighting in Bayona but Claire spotted a pretty church spire in the distance so plans were changed and we are now anchored off Panxon having visited the church of St Juan Bautista!  The church has stunning mosaic ceilings which were a real surprise and well worth a visit.   There are […]

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2 September, 2013
It's catching!

This sacrifical anode replacement lark is catching.    As if getting up at 3am to move Hecla off the wall to the pontoon wasn't bad enough, James decided Ocean Rainbow needed her anodes checking!  So in the wee small hours we swapped locations and now Ocean Rainbow is secured against the wall and, as I type, […]

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1 September, 2013
And now a Music Fest!

We had a lovely sail from Ria de Arousa back to Ria de Pontevedra and we are alongside a pontoon in a sweet little harbour by Praia de Beluso to the west of Bueu.  We're waiting for the tide to go out so that we can help Jon Lister on Hecla to change his sacrificial anodes and mount […]

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31 August, 2013
Farewell to Swallow and a Fish Fest

Swallow arrived bearing bubbles to share with us all and to signal their departure to pastures new.  It’s been great fun to catch up and we’ll hope to see them again in the Canaries.   Sadly this meant they missed our Fish Fest supper …. No idea what fish we ate, but you’ll be pleased to […]

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31 August, 2013
Octopus in a myriad different ways!

We went to the Festa do Pulpo with Jon (Hecla) and Vicky and Elliot (Swallow).   We found the town harbour lined with tentage and it was a real community affair with one payment point and tickets issued and then a row of different stalls, each one with a different dish. We tried Octopus grilled, […]

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30 August, 2013
Islas Galineiro

This island is truly a Caribbean style desert island and so beautiful.  We made the trip over this afternoon with Swallow and Hecla and spent a couple of hours exploring and swimming … plus having a beer, of course!   We could have taken a picnic but with the polpo fest this evening we thought we’d […]

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30 August, 2013
PWRCC Reunion in San Xulian

We had a really lovely day's sail from Combarro to Puerto Niegras, a little marina on route to Ria de Arosa.   Great fun doing medi-mooring with the help of a really friendly marinero who spoke not one word of english!   However we only stayed half an hour before we found there was no […]

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28 August, 2013
Our pilgrimage to Santiago

A pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela is defined as a trip from your home to the Cathedral in Santiago.   You are awarded a certificate of merit if you walk 100 kms or cycle 200 kms - we think that 500 nautical miles qualifies us!   We have now successfully completed our pilgrimage!   A few more photos […]

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