Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

And now a Music Fest!

By Claire on Sun 01 Sep

Music Fest in Praia de Beluso 003 Music Fest in Praia de Beluso 002We had a lovely sail from Ria de Arousa back to Ria de Pontevedra and we are alongside a pontoon in a sweet little harbour by Praia de Beluso to the west of Bueu.  We're waiting for the tide to go out so that we can help Jon Lister on Hecla to change his sacrificial anodes and mount a rope cutter!    As an interlude we have been entertained by Galician Pipes and Drums as they celebrate the end of summer.    Not sure that's something we would celebrate in the UK but anything for a party here.   We were also treated to some home-brewed liqueur ... just hope we can see in the morning!   Tasted great, looked like green medicine and is made from a local plant!!Hecla on the wall 007 Hecla on the wall 009

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