Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Octopus in a myriad different ways!

By Claire on Sat 31 Aug

Pulpo FieroJames, Vicky, Jon and Elliott Bouza's wine!We went to the Festa do Pulpo with Jon (Hecla) and Vicky and Elliot (Swallow).   We found the town harbour lined with tentage and it was a real community affair with one payment point and tickets issued and then a row of different stalls, each one with a different dish. We tried Octopus grilled, boiled, with chilli, in croquettes plus Paella and then we washed it all down with Bouza's wine - and beer!    Luckily Vicky found crepes to add a touch of sweetness to round off our meal!        The children cleared the plates and washed the dishes whilst the adults served the food and drinks ..... a very family affair.

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