Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

PWRCC Reunion in San Xulian

By Claire on Fri 30 Aug

PAWRRC ReunionWe had a really lovely day's sail from Combarro to Puerto Niegras, a little marina on route to Ria de Arosa.   Great fun doing medi-mooring with the help of a really friendly marinero who spoke not one word of english!   However we only stayed half an hour before we found there was no need for internet access and a Skype  call so we were able to press on to the Isla de Arosa.   What a wonderful treat to find both Hecla and Swallow moored in the bay of San Xulian and even better to find that no sooner had we finished anchoring than Elliott and his wonderful RIB were alongside Ocean Rainbow, ready to take us ashore for a drink!    Lots of tales and laughter with a few beers before Vicky and Elliot repaired to Swallow to recover from an exceedingly late night the previous evening and Jon joined us on board for supper.Vicky and Elliott depart for an early night!Deja Vu - supper with Jon on OR

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