Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Back to work

By Claire on Sat 15 Oct

back-to-work-003img_1239We are making progress, so much so that we think we can go travelling inland on Monday! Victor Volvo is back in one piece; new exhaust elbow, new coolant, rust removed and everything shiny again. Looking good for an old chap. The end caps on the stay sail boom have been drilled out and replaced so no more bits of string holding things in place! The fridge is now working well after an initial scare when the compressor ran 24/7 giving rise to worries that it would burn out. We think it just needed time to settle down as no repairs were needed, we just WD40'd everything! Our sails have been returned beautifully refurbished by Tom Gensemer. We are about to tackle removing the rust on the chain and anchor .... a bit of a thankless task but a necessary one!.... and the dinghy chaps have been repaired and reinforced so Puddle is now looking a little 'patched' but very functional - again necessary if the chaps are to last another season in the unrelenting Caribbean sun. Our social life is back to normal ... sundowners, suppers, BBQs. All is well on Ocean Rainbow.

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