Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

40 hours later!

By Claire on Sun 09 Oct

img_1199img_1204So back to OR, 40 hours travelling but thankfully not all of it in the bus!! After pretty good flights (having got our slightly overweight bags onboard), we arrived in the dark, were met by Claudio (s/y Makani) with a taxi (what a great friend) and returned to the yard to find Ocean Rainbow in fine order. No mould, water or damp and OR smelt sweet. Well, that was the first impression so we slept easy. In the cold light of day we found that ants had made OR into a very comfy home ... they'll soon be gone! .... and on the outside, some wonderous animal had built several mud nests from which small winged creatures had emerged, as evidenced by the detritus left on the deck and elsewhere. Our final visitors had been birds and they too managed to leave their calling cards! All is now clean and we are almost shipshape. Serious jobs start on Monday, but this afternoon it's time for Mexican Train Dominoes!!

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