Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
19 January, 2016
Cartagena Life

Our explorations through the back streets of Cartagena unveiled amazing statues, street art, sculptures and architecture.   We have so many photos just trying to capture the essence of the city.   We have also had a brilliant time experiencing the night life.  It is every bit as vibrant as Santa Marta if a little more ‘touristy’ […]

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19 January, 2016
Ancient and Modern

We are now in Cartagena which is totally stunning.   We came into the city via the northern passage and are now anchored within a stone’s throw of Plaza San Pedro Claver.  We have cycled miles around the old town and all the way out to the furthest reaches of the Boca Grande skyscrapers.  James has […]

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16 January, 2016
Barranquilla and a Big Bang

We had a rip roaring passage to Puerto Valero (an anchorage enroute to Cartagena) but it wasn’t without its dramas!   On the approach to where Rio Magdalena runs into the sea at Barranquilla, there is an astonishing visible dividing line of muddy river water and bright blue sea.   The wind was up and we were […]

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13 January, 2016
A ‘Tubing’ First

We are loving Columbia.    The people are friendly, the town is bustling and full of colour and the countryside is fascinating.    We’ve cycled miles, eaten local food (with no detrimental effects), had a real challenge to understand the language and currency (5,000 pesos = £1), socialised and been on a guided tour to Quebrada Valencia […]

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10 January, 2016
One of the 5 worst ocean passages?

The passage from Aruba to Colombia around the Peninsula de la Guajira has a really bad reputation, capable of producing horrible seas and ferocious winds.   However, we were fortunate that it was not for us!  As the Rally started, we had a break in the weather and our trip was lovely – even if a […]

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3 January, 2016
Plan B

Chased off by the coast guards and told we had to check in and couldn't just overnight in St Nicholas Bay, we are now officially in Aruba!!!   It's wall to wall shops, casinos and glitz .. a good job it's Sunday and no opportunity to 'shop til you drop'.   And last night - […]

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1 January, 2016
Happy New Year

We wish you all a very happy and healthy 2016.   The start of our year has been truly memorable and we have certainly started the way we mean to go on this year ... enjoying the company of some really lovely folk.    We had a Safari Party, starting on Ocean Rainbow with drinks […]

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