Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Cool like Claudio  

By Claire on Thu 11 Feb

Makani 006Makani 004We have very much enjoyed time spent with our lovely Swiss friends on Makani, Claudio being of Italian extraction ….or could the attraction be an incy winsy bit of Italian in James which has finally been allowed free rein?    James has been heavily influenced in his attempt to be as cool as Claudio!   Life here in the San Blas islands has been wonderfully relaxing even though the weather has been somewhat windy, grey and dismal … don’t think we can hear any sympathy coming over the airwaves!   We are now in an idyllic anchorage surrounded by sandy, palm fringed islands.   Normally it is an exceedingly popular anchorage but thanks to the weather it is empty with Makani and Ocean Rainbow the only two boats – what a treat.

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