Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Third time lucky!

By Claire on Sun 22 Sep

LagosNarrow entrance to LagosThree attempts to find a place to stay!   We anchored off Praia da Luz as a starting point.   Then the rollers built up, the tide receded and we found we had very little water below the keel so we weighed anchor and set sail for Lagos.  A bit of a rush to get there before dark but we just made it and had a spectacular sunset as our reward.   A peaceful night with Hecla rafted alongside us but off early in the morning to Ria Alvor to find an anchorage.    We spent a lovely 24 hours at anchor and enjoyed the peace of the lagoon.   Sadly the town wasn’t quite what we had expected … very touristy and the only language spoken appeared to be english!

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