Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Lisbon Conquered!

By Claire on Mon 16 Sep

Lisbon 002Dog leg entrance to OeirasAfter an action packed morning in the harbour fixing things – as you do on boats – and this included a full scale ascent of the mast (which, with James’ vertigo is a serious challenge in itself) Hecla and Ocean Rainbow mounted their assault on Lisbon by train and bike.   You’ll be pleased to hear we had the job done in no time at all and were then able to continue the day at the chandlery buying bits for the boat!   If you too would like a whistlestop tour of Lisbon – click here!  (But we are having a bit of trouble with the photos so not sure what you will see!)   Having been there, seen it, done it, we decided to head on down south to warmer seas and departed for Sines at 0845 arriving at 1830 after 53nm and another great sail down the Portuguese coast.

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