Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Totterdown by the sea

By Claire on Thu 25 Jul

Porto Malpica 008We have moved again, a very gentle sail of 14 nm from Laxe and its dunes and long sandy beach to Porto Malpica.   The scenery couldn't be more different.   Porto Malpica is protected by an enormous sea wall and the harbour is full of fishing vessels but the extraordinary sight is the array of brightly coloured houses perched precariously on the cliff edge overlooking the harbour.    We're not sure we would invest in one of the houses but the views must be spectacular.    We're anchored just in the mouth of the harbour with wonderful views of the Galician coast and the town.   Great place to stay - as long as the winds are from the north!    If you have time, there are a few more photos on the RTW Page

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